
V.O.I.C.E. Stories

I am thankful for our gathering this past weekend. It was a spirit filled and healing time. We began to recognize the power of story and to recognize the weaving of our story with God’s larger story.

Part of the challenge for us is to allow our story telling to become a healing agent in our lives. Careful listening, engagement, and a non-anxious presence helps us to be fully present to one another, to see ourselves in the other, and to begin building bridges of trust.

An important part of our continued work is to remember who we are to “tell our story again.”Part of that story is the core values that have shaped us into who we are and that will be pivotal in our future:

V – Vision

O – Openness

I – Incarnation

C – Community

E – Evangelism

It is my prayer that you share with me the ways that God has called you to be part of this community called GRACE through these core values/guiding principles. This is part of my effort to get to know your story, but also a way to begin weaving our stories into the future.

Let me know your VOICE Story here.

I also encourage you to begin reading Genesis today. This amazing book of the bible is as relevant today as it has always been for it still speaks to who we are, who God is, and the promise of redemption through the gift of grace. Click here for the reading guide.

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