
Exploring Our Past . . .

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Truth be told sometimes the last thing we want to do is to explore our past. Our past are often messy, hard to explain, and filled with moments that we work hard to forget. A counselor long ago told me that most adults are revisionist about their past, they work hard at putting together a picture that attempts to explain who they are now, often overlooking the difficulties and only highlighting the joys, victories, and successes.

Then comes Genesis with its raw and poetic narrative of a people’s past. It’s author did not hold back but told a real, at times deeply painful story. God is thrown in the midst of this narrative as a faithful companion in the midst of the ups and downs of our human condition.

Exploring our past is difficult yet important work. It helps us remember why we are here and builds a bridge to where God is taking us!

As I unpack there are reminders everywhere of places lived, experiences had, and the ways that I’ve been shaped by the narrative of my life. My pastoral identity has been built by that narrative and how it has been woven with the narratives of communities of faith lived with in years past.

I invite you to join us as we begin again by exploring our past. Who knows, it might just build a bridge to God’s future for us!

Can’t wait to see you this weekend!!

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