
Bible in 90 – Day 43: Retribution

God of retribution, Lord,
God of retribution, appear!
Rise up, judge of the earth,
give the arrogant their deserts!

Psalm 94:1-2

©2010 Todd Rossnagel

At first I was uncomfortable with the idea of a God of retribution. The thought of what kind of retribution and why made me nervous. I guess I’m afraid of what kind of retribution I need for my own doings and non-doings.

Then I began to think about all the injustice in the world, all the pain, all the suffering that we cause each other. I began to think about how many people of power ignore the plight of those who need the most.

If I am honest with myself I would have to admit that I have wanted to called out the God of retribution. I’ve wanted for God to make things right, to restore creation to its fullness, to rescue the hopeless.

I’ll also have to admit my own participation in structures and patterns that further oppression. I’ve been silent many times, wishing something different in private but unwilling to put myself out there to fight for what is right. I have also struggled to speak clearly about how my sense of justice is a direct response to my understanding of God’s call in my life.

So I call on the God of courage & humility to help me be about the work of God’s kingdom here on earth.

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