
A Generation of Missionaries: Our Prayer

beachsunbeamsYou are probably wondering, what does this all mean? Where are we going?

In 2003 your founding pastor read from Exodus 13, there the Israelites where not given a map for how to get to the promise land, instead they were given the presence of God in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He told us that although the picture might not be clear, that we could indeed “follow a cloud or a pillar of fire.”

Can you see it? Can you see it in your neighborhood, where you shop? Can you see it as you drive down Ellerbe Rd. or go down the interstate? Can you see it when you drive by Cedar Grove or head downtown? Can you see it as you encounter someone with whom you disagree? Can you see it when you face oppression, evil powers, and harmful structures? Can you see it when you encounter a city that obviously needs a word of Grace?

Grace Community, I leave you with the prayer that you prayed together long ago:

“Lord, thank you, for caring enough
to call us into a deeper life.
Thank you for awakening in us
an understanding that there is so much more
than the here and now;
that there is so much more than what we need or want.
That we have an opportunity
to walk in the realm of Biblical reality, and you will use us!!

God, where we are broken, heal us,
where we are shivering, warm us,
where we are uncertain, give us courage,
where we are weak, be our strength,
where we are complacent Lord, maybe give us a kick.
We long for you, we are desperate for you.
Increase our faith,
we ask in Jesus name. Amen.”

The Rev. Dr. Rob Weber, Founding Pastor
in 2003 State of the Church Address

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