
A Facebook Sabbatical

Photo by Tim Bennett on Unsplash

(And maybe more since I have not used Twitter in almost 2 years and will not be very active on Instagram.)

I still remember an article on UM Communications about the emergence of social media. It was 2007 and I was an associate pastor at a mid-size congregation in the middle of Louisiana.

Though I am a social person I had resisted the pull of MySpace and Facebook but after reading the article I thought it was worth a try.

It has been an interesting, frustrating, and rewarding journey to this point. But now it is time for sabbath and I am purposely taking it on an election and General Conference year.

I am thankful for those who will continue to use these important tools to speak their minds, to connect with friends and strangers, and to raise awareness of the many things that still need changing. I am also thankful for the many ways that these tools inspire and allow us to keep up with people from the spectrum of our lives.

So what do I plan to do during this modified social media sabbatical?

I’ve subscribed to a few newspapers and magazines, I’ll read favorite blogs, take book recommendations, and listen to favorite and new podcasts — all to keep up with all that interest me.

I plan to keep on writing in this space and hopefully more often. (So if you don’t want to miss a post make sure you subscribe!)

I’ll go to dinner with folks and hear stories, take a daily run to clear my head, cook dinner as often as I can, keep up with what the Spirit is doing among those whom I love most, and pay attention to what God is up to in Houma.

This same day next year, I’ll discern if it time to re-engage, maybe on MeWe instead of Facebook, maybe on another platform.

Till then you can find me here, on email, cell phone, and even snail mail!

May 2020 be filled with joy, goodness, and much grace.

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