
Bible in 90 – Special Announcement!

It has been an exciting journey so far. I can’t believe that the Old Testament has been finished. From creation, to exodus, to a long wilderness journey, judges ruled, prophets spoke, kings were chosen and rejected, the people went into exile and some became a faithful remnant, songs of praise were sung, and bits of wisdom were shared. All of this in 67 days!

The Rev. Joshua Hale

Now we begin another stage of the journey as we dive into the New Testament. I am excited to be joined on this part of the journey by my brother, Josh Hale. He is a pastor, father, sci-fi aficionado, blogger, and one of the best theologians I know. He will be reading along and posting his reflections on his blog expatminister.org.

It is fitting that we begin with the story of Jesus today. I pray that you have a blessed Ash Wednesday and I thank you for following this Bible in 90 journey. Your reading and comments have been the perfect way to stay accountable to this commitment.

Have a blessed Ash Wednesday and Lenten journey!

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